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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

PresenterNet Launches YouTub Integration App

PresenterNet today launched an exciting new capability that enables users to integrate YouTube videos into their presentations. With only a simple setup, presenters can insert a YouTube video into any presentation slide in their online libraries. To view a short on-demand demonstration, please go to http://mlkdemo.presenternet.com.
The YouTube application is effective for both live presentations and on-demand pre-recorded presentations. Users can select any desired size and position on their slides to seamlessly display a YouTube video. They can also set timing to end videos at any point, so that viewers stay with the presenter’s discussion. Setup on any slide takes less than a minute, as described in our illustrated Tech Note.
The YouTube application will c! hange many YouTube videos into powerful business tools. For example, a video of a product demo on YouTube has very little context or explanation. But integrated into PresenterNet, and combined with a presenter’s narration, images and text, it tells a much more compelling story, as shown on our demo sample.
And of course, adding a YouTube video will make online presentations even more effective. During our beta tests, our customers found a wide variety of ways to use YouTube videos in PresenterNet. Some have found existing videos already on YouTube, while others will create videos for upload to a private YouTube channel. Examples of existing videos include inspirational movie scenes or famous speakers that focus audience attention. Others like using short, humorous clips to lighten the mood of their presentation at strategic points. Some presenters have already uploaded product demos, and customer testimonials! . Others will use clips of messages from top executives.
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